Ramiro Cairo

Ramiro Cairo is an Argentinian artist currently based in San Francisco. He studied design and music in Buenos Aires before moving to the United States, where he has pursued his artistic passions. For many years, his work focused on the reuse of discarded technology and industrial waste. He transformed these materials into artistically functional household objects. In 2016, Cairo shifted his creative focus to visual art. He continued reusing discarded technology and industrial waste, incorporating these materials into abstract and geometric compositions.

With a background in technical and architectural drawing, and inspired by shapes, colors, light, shadows, reflections, and visual effects, Cairo’s artwork explores the interactions of these elements. He draws and shapes materials meticulously seeking precision in the assembly.

In 2020, Cairo, like many others, was confronted with the fear of the unknown. This uncertainty inspired deep introspection and prompted him to study how others were grappling with a worldwide lockdown. He observed and documented a variety of feelings, resonating with a selection of words, good or bad, that encompassed this experience. Tension, fragility, true or false, illusion, interior, uncertainty, optimism, balance, hope, empathy, and harmony inspired a body of work. This series exhibits a translation of feelings to words, to abstract geometric forms.

Through this body of work, Cairo plays with optics, organizing shapes, lines, and colors through three-dimensional materials like piano wire, tinted polycarbonate, and plexiglass on a kaolin clay plane. He conveys movement through tension and visual effects to create geometric designs that play with materiality and dimension.


Pen, wire, thread, tinted polycarbonate, and plexiglass, on plywood with kaolin clay in maple frame
17” x 14.5” x 4”



Elana Bober


Alexandra Cicorschi